Star Trek and the Evolution of a BASIC Programmer


I re-created the classic Star Trek game for the VT52. And it demonstrated how much I’ve changed as a programmer in 42 years.

I recently scored a vintage DEC VT52 terminal! I also bought a PiDP-11 (a Raspberry Pi-based PDP-11 replica). So I decided to revisit my youth by writing a new version of the classic Star Trek game, but one which used the VT52’s escape codes to make it more graphical.

In the process, I realized how much I’ve changed as a programmer, for better and for worse. Check out the video below. And if you’d like a tour of my retro computing collection, check out the second video.

You can find the code for the Trek52 game at If you’re interested in the PDP-11 replica, it’s available as a kit from There’s also a PDP-8 replica at I’m not connected with the seller; I’m just a happy customer.