Punch Card Printing Plate Pencil Holder

Punch Card Printing Plate Pencil Holder

40 years ago, everyone hated “IBM cards”. I remember folding, spindling, and mutilating them out of spite. Now, they’re an object of nostalgia. When I got my hands on one of the actual printing plates that was used to print the cards, I had to treat it with the respect and dignity it deserved. So I made it into a pencil holder. And I have some extras so I’m selling them.

Punch cards, often known as “IBM cards”, were a mainstay of data processing in the 20th century. The cards were typically printed with columns of numbers. These pencil holders are made from the actual plates that were used to print punch cards.

Generic punch cards had nothing but columns of numbers printed on them. But many companies and government organizations ordered punch cards with labels for certain columns or blank areas that could be written in. These plates are for special-purpose cards like these. No two plates are the same.

These plates were actually used for printing, so they are not in new, pristine condition. They have been cleaned, but small amounts or dried ink might remain. Some of them also have scratches, pockmarks, or other blemishes.

1 thought on “Punch Card Printing Plate Pencil Holder

  1. Oh man, these are awesome 😀 As I am a printer by profession, they made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

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